Four Sigmatic Chaga Elixir


Four Sigmatic Chaga Mushroom ElixirAmong the 1.5 million mushroom varieties known to exist, only the chaga has earned the title “The King of Mushrooms.” The chaga mushroom boasts a wide variety of health benefits. It’s chock full of healthy minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. The chaga contains antioxidants that can help to fight inflammation and heal the gut. So how can you take advantage of all that the chaga mushroom has to offer? Look no further than the Four Sigmatic Chaga Mushroom Elixir.


A Trusted Source for Chaga

Four Sigmatic, a company specializing in medicinal mushrooms, has fashioned the chaga into a nourishing, drinkable powder. They believe that mushrooms are only as beneficial to your health as the source from where they came. Therefore, Four Sigmatic’s Chaga Elixir contains only wood-grown, wild-crafted, organic, Non-GMO mushrooms with no fillers or additives. This ensures that you’re receiving the highest quality product.

Four Sigmatic uses a duel extraction process that preserves chaga’s antioxidant properties and other health benefits. As a result, you may notice your hair, skin, and nails looking shinier and healthier from all those minerals. From higher energy levels to enhanced immune support, this chaga elixir can make a positive difference in your health.

A Versatile Mushroom Drink

This “All-Day, Every day”  vegan and decaf chaga drink from Four Sigmatic can be enjoyed in the morning or evening. Add it to your morning cup of coffee for an extra kick. Give your smoothies, shakes, and soups a nutritional boost that will have your body thanking you. Check out this recipe for refreshing Chaga Lemonade! Each box contains 20 individual packets so you can take advantage of chaga’s health benefits even if you’re on the go. Just tear, mix, and drink to your well being.

You can also find these other great products from Four Sigmatic at Martindale’s:

  • Cordyceps Mushroom Elixir
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom Elixir
  • Reishi Mushroom Elixir

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