Onnit Alpha Brain


Fans of Joe Rogan’s very popular podcast have been asking about Alpha Brain® and we have it! Rogan recommends the supplement because he says it “fires up the brain”. Alpha Brain capsules and peach flavor instant memory focusWhat does this mean exactly? This is a dietary supplement that helps support memory and focus.

A total nootropic formula, the caffeine-free, gluten-free brain formula helps you put your neurons together in a logical fashion. Mental fog diffuses into mental clarity and mental speed. Cognition improves and your memory increases with all-natural ingredients. Words line up in your head better. Daily tasks make sense. Focus and concentration are not a problem when healthy people give their bodies and brain the fuel it requires. Take two capsules daily, preferably with a light meal. Dairy-free, nut-free, Keto and Paleo-friendly.


What’s In It?

Key to Alpha Brain is the Onnit® Flow Blend. This consists of L-Tyrosine, Oat (straw) extract, and phosphatidylserine. This is followed close behind with the Onnit® Focus Blend consisting of L-Alpha glycerylphosphorycholine (Alpha GPC), bacopa extract, and toothed clubmoss extract. Not to be outdone, the Onnit Fuel Blend L-Leucine and Pterostilbene comes along, too. Vitamin B-6 and Cat’s Claw extract round it out.

Whether you need help with remembering words or focusing on tasks, Alpha Brain helps optimize cognitive function and mental processing. B-6, herbal extracts, amino acids are the perfect blend for the job. Thank you, Joe Rogan! We’re going to get in the zone!


Look for the Alpha Brain Instant powder packs in-store, too, in peach flavor.




2.7/5 (27 Reviews)






30 capsules
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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.