Going Gluten Free: Part 2

Did you miss “Thinking About Going Gluten Free” Part 1 of this series? Read it here.

New Mindset


How do you go about living the gluten free lifestyle? Opt for whole natural gluten free foods such as fresh organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, and even meat. These foods help reduce inflammation and make a huge impact on good overall health. The best way is not to replace processed gluten foods with more processed gluten-free foods. It’s a new mindset.


Lentils are a great source of protein and fiber and are naturally gluten free. Just a warning about lentils, they can be cross-contaminated so if you have an allergy or sensitivity, be sure to buy certified gluten free lentils. The same with oats since oats is a grain that is often processed in a facility along with wheat.


Choose the most nutritious varieties when incorporating grains into your diet. Quinoa is a popular grain-like seed that is high in fiber and essential amino acids. Buckwheat, despite its name, is not related to wheat grains at all but is a nutritious gluten free grain you want to consider adding to your diet. Brown rice is rich in manganese and selenium. You should go for the brown rice over the white rice since brown rice has higher levels of many of the vitamins and minerals. Organic GMO-free corn is a great choice as well. Corn is a staple grain grown worldwide that is high in vitamin A, antioxidants and carotenoids. It is known, however, that 90% of the corn grown in the United States is genetically modified so be sure you look for GMO-free or organic corn.


Plan and Prepare


Changing the way you eat is not a simple task. It may seem difficult at first to change the way you eat but it is possible and it is vital if you are experiencing allergic reactions to gluten. Plan your meals ahead of time if you want to be successful at this lifestyle. We all have busy schedules and taking the natural foods route takes planning and preparation. You don’t want to find yourself unprepared and reaching for the wrong foods. You may find yourself going to the grocery store more often since natural foods don’t have the preservatives that processed foods have.


Look up gluten free recipes to help you find new ways of preparing foods for your new way of eating. It takes time and effort to really make this work but once you do get the hang of it, you should start seeing an impact in how you feel. Don’t get discouraged – the benefits of eating gluten free can really change your life!


Incorporate quinoa into your new gluten free diet with a simple Mediterranean Quinoa Salad recipe. Hope you enjoy!


quinoa vegetablesMediterranean Quinoa Salad

Prep Time:   15 Minutes           
Cook Time:    15 Minutes

Servings:   4


1/2 Cup Quinoa uncooked

10 Ounces Asparagus fresh

6 Tablespoons Sun-Dried Tomatoes

2 teaspoons dried parsley

1/2 Cup Feta Cheese crumbled

2-3 Ounces Chicken Breast roasted & cubed

1-2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Salt and Pepper to taste


Rinse and cook quinoa as directed on package.
 Cut asparagus into 1″ sections and steam until just tender. 
Transfer cooked quinoa into large bowl.
Add asparagus, tomatoes, feta and chicken breast.
 Toss with oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Enjoy with mixed berries for a balanced meal!


Read Going Gluten Free – Not Always Healthy Part 3 in this series.



