
Kelp is perfect for sea plant supplements due to its nutritional benefit

Sea Moss and Sea Vegetable Superfoods

Amazing Algae and Super Sea Plants The ocean is the cradle of life on Earth. It’s one of our planet’s most biologically dense ecosystems – tens of billions of lifeforms are contained in the oceans and…

Prebiotics and probiotics help maintain gut health

Prebiotics and Probiotics – What’s the Difference?

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics – What are They? Microorganisms may be invisible to the naked eye, but our bodies simply could not function without them. In fact, there are more microorganisms in and on your body than…

We heart upcycling! There are dozens of ways to upcycle food.

Ways to Upcycle your Food

Waste Not, Want Not Did you know that the average American wastes 1 pound of food a day? Or that 25-40% of all food produced in the United States goes uneaten? Or that 8% of greenhouse…

Healthy mocktails surrounded by botanical ingredients

Healthy Mocktails – Fun and Refreshing

Delicious Healthy Mocktails Drive away the winter cold with some bright, colorful beverages! Healthy mocktails are a great way to relax and treat yourself without consuming alcohol. These recipes are fun and refreshing whether you’re a…

A burger with garlic aoli and caramelized onions, made with beyond burger recipe

Vegan Beyond Burgers with Garlic Aoli and Caramelized Onion

Delicious Burgers – Without the Beef There’s nothing quite like a burger. When the craving hits, it’s an “accept no substitutes” kind of situation; only one thing will do the trick. Well, this Beyond Burger recipe…

Cacao pods become cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs!

3 Ways to Use Cacao – National Chocolate Month

February is National Chocolate Month, so what better time to celebrate the majestic cacao bean? Here are some ways to use cocoa – other than just eating more chocolate! Cacao beans are the small, oblong seeds…

A honeybee rests atop a jar of jardine local raw honey

Local Raw Honey from Jardine Apiaries – Vendor Spotlight

Your Friendly Neighborhood Beekeepers Keith and Sharon Jardine know a thing or two about bees. For more than forty years they have lived with, cared for, and learned from these tiny, fuzzy creatures. Their local raw…

A grid with the three major Fair Trade certifying bodies represented

What is Fair Trade, Anyway?

What is Fair Trade? Fair trade is a principle; the belief that all producers should earn a living wage, work in safe conditions, and have control over when, where, and how they work. It’s easy to…

Fermented beets and cabbage in a glass dish

Make Fermented Food at Home – Easy Cabbage and Beet Recipe

Fermented food is delicious, healthful, and easy to make. Try out this cabbage and beet ferment at home! What is Fermented Food? Folks have understood the magic of fermentation for thousands of years. In fact, the…

Inflammation in the body

10 Foods for an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

What is inflammation? Inflammation – it’s a word we hear a lot in regard to our health. But what is it, and how can introducing anti-inflammatory foods into your diet help you? Simply put, inflammation is…